Important version information!

You are browsing a class reference for deprecated Version 2 of the JavaScript Charts.

Documentation for other versions: amCharts 4 (current) or amCharts 3.


Inheritance: AmMapAmChart

AmMap is the main class of the AmMap application. Example:

var map = new AmCharts.AmMap();
map.pathToImages = "";
map.dataProvider = {mapVar: AmCharts.maps.worldLow};

Properties Hide inherited

allowClickOnSelectedObjectBooleantrueSpecifies if user can repeatedly click on already selected object.
allowMultipleDescriptionWindowsBooleanfalseSpecifies if multiple description windows at a time are allowed. When set to false, previously opened window is closed when opening a new one.
areasSettingsAreasSettingsAreasSettingsCommon settings of areas.
backgroundColorString#FFFFFFBackground color. You should set backgroundAlpha to >0 value in order background to be visible. We recommend setting background color directly on a chart's DIV instead of using this property.
backgroundZoomsToTopBooleanfalseSpecifies if clicking on the "water" zooms to the "top"
balloonAmBalloonAmBalloonThe chart creates AmBalloon class itself. If you want to customize balloon, get balloon instance using this property, and then change balloon's properties.
balloonLabelFunctionFunctionMethod which will be called by the map when a balloon with some text is displayed. You can use it to change the default text of a balloon.When this function is called, mapObject and map references are passed to it:

balloonLabelFunction(mapObject, ammap);

You can extract any data from mapObject and return new balloon text.
borderAlphaNumber0Opacity of chart's border. Value range is 0 - 1.
borderColorString#000000Color of chart's border. You should set borderAlpha >0 in order border to be visible. We recommend setting border color directly on a chart's DIV instead of using this property.
centerMapBooleantrueSpecifies if the map should be centered.
colorString#000000Text color.
colorStepsNumber5If you set values for MapAreas, they are filled with colors between color and colorSolid (both set in AreasSettings). colorSteps property specifies how many different colors should be used. Set this to some big number like 100 if you want each area to be filled with a different shade of color (according to it's value).
dataProviderMapDataData provider of the map.
developerModeBooleanfalseWhen developer mode is set to true, you can click anywhere on the map while SHIFT key is pressed to trigger a writeDevInfo event. All the information about current map position/zoom will be transferred to the event handler.
dragMapBooleantrueSpecifies if the map is draggable.
fitMapToContainerBooleantrueSpecifies if the map should be resized to fit to the stage.
fontFamilyStringVerdanaFont family.
fontSizeNumber11Font size.
heightNumber/String100%Height of a chart. "100%" means the chart's height will be equal to it's container's (DIV) height and will resize if height of the container changes. Set a number instead of percents if your chart's size needs to be fixed.
imagesSettingsImagesSettingsImagesSettingsCommon settings of images.
legendDivDIV objectReference to the div of the legend.
linesAboveImagesBooleantrueYou can specify whether lines should be above or below images.
linesSettingsLinesSettingsLinesSettingsCommon settings of lines.
maxValueNumberUse this property in case you set values for your areas and wish to set a different maxValue. These values are used when choosing a color for an area.
minValueNumberUse this property in case you set values for your areas and wish
to set a different minValue (it's 0 by default). These values are used when choosing a color for an area.
mouseWheelZoomEnabledBooleanfalseSpecifies if zooming with mouse wheel is enabled.
numberFormatterObject{precision:-1, decimalSeparator:'.', thousandsSeparator:','}Object with precision, decimalSeparator and thousandsSeparator set which will be used for number formatting. Precision set to -1 means that values won't be rounded.
panEventsEnabledBooleanfalseThis setting affects touch-screen devices only. If a chart is on a page, and panEventsEnabled are set to true, the page won't move if the user touches the chart first. If a chart is big enough and occupies all the screen of your touch device, the user won’t be able to move the page at all. That's why the default value is "false". If you think that selecting/panning the chart or moving/pinching the map is a primary purpose of your users, you should set panEventsEnabled to true.
pathToImagesStringSpecifies path to the folder where images like resize grips, lens and similar are.
percentFormatterObject{precision:2, decimalSeparator:'.', thousandsSeparator:','}Object with precision, decimalSeparator and thousandsSeparator set which will be used for formatting percent values.
prefixesOfBigNumbersArray[{number:1e+3,prefix:"k"},{number:1e+6,prefix:"M"},{number:1e+9,prefix:"G"},{number:1e+12,prefix:"T"},{number:1e+15,prefix:"P"},{number:1e+18,prefix:"E"},{number:1e+21,prefix:"Z"},{number:1e+24,prefix:"Y"}]Prefixes which are used to make big numbers shorter: 2M instead of 2000000, etc. Prefixes are used on value axes and in the legend. To enable prefixes, set usePrefixes property to true.
prefixesOfSmallNumbersArray[{number:1e-24, prefix:"y"},{number:1e-21, prefix:"z"},{number:1e-18, prefix:"a"},{number:1e-15, prefix:"f"},{number:1e-12, prefix:"p"},{number:1e-9, prefix:"n"},{number:1e-6, prefix:"μ"},{number:1e-3, prefix:"m"}]Prefixes which are used to make small numbers shorter: 2μ instead of 0.000002, etc. Prefixes are used on value axes and in the legend. To enable prefixes, set usePrefixes property to true.
selectedObjectMapObjectMapObjectRead-only. Returns currently selected map object. Use map.selectObject(mapObject) method to change it.
showAreasInListBooleantrueSpecifies if MapAreas should be displayed in the ObjectList.
showBalloonOnSelectedObjectBooleantrueSpecifies if balloon should be displayed when hovering currently seleced object.
showDescriptionOnHoverBooleanfalseSpecifies if description window should be shown when user hovers over the object.
showImagesInList BooleanfalseSpecifies if MapImages should be displayed in the ObjectList.
showLinesInListBooleanfalseSpecifies if MapLines should be displayed in the ObjectList.
showObjectsAfterZoomBooleanfalseSpecifies if child objects should be added to stage only after the map zoomed to the final position.
smallMapSmallMapSmallMapSmall map displays a small map indicating zoom level and position.
useHandCursorOnClickableOjectsBooleantruepecifies if hand cursor should be displayed when mouse moves over a clickable object.
useObjectColorForBalloonBooleantrueSpecifies if balloon should use color of currenlty hovered object.
usePrefixesBooleanfalseIf true, prefixes will be used for big and small numbers. You can set arrays of prefixes via prefixesOfSmallNumbers and prefixesOfBigNumbers properties.
valueLegendValueLegendValue legend displays a color range used by areas (in case you set values for your areas).
versionStringRead-only. Indicates current version of a script.
zoomControlZoomControlZoomControlZoom control of the map.
zoomDurationNumber1Duration of zoom animation, in seconds.
zoomOnDoubleClickBooleantrueSpecifies if the map should be zoomed-in when user double clicks anywhere on the map (except objects which are clickable).

Methods Hide inherited

addLabel(x, y, text, align, size, color, rotation, alpha, bold, url)x - horizontal coordinate y - vertical coordinate text - label's text align - alignment (left/right/center) size - text size color - text color rotation - angle of rotation alpha - label alpha bold - specifies if text is bold (true/false), url - url of a Adds a label on a chart. You can use it for labeling axes, adding chart title, etc. x and y coordinates can be set in number, percent, or a number with ! in front of it - coordinate will be calculated from right or bottom instead of left or top.
addLegend(legend, legendDivID)legend - AmLegend, legendDivID - id or reference to legend div (optional)Adds a legend to the chart. By default, you don't need to create div for your legend, however if you want it to be positioned in some different way, you can create div anywhere you want and pass id or reference to your div as a second parameter. (NOTE: This method will not work on StockPanel.)
addListener(type, handler)type - string like 'dataUpdated' (should be listed in 'events' section of this class or classes which extend this class). handler - function which is called when event happensAdds event listener to the object.
addTitle(text, size, color, alpha, bold)text - text of a title size - font size color - title color alpha - title opacity bold - boolean value indicating if title should be bold.Adds title to the top of the chart. Pie, Radar positions are updated so that they won't overlap. Plot area of Serial/XY chart is also updated unless autoMargins property is set to false. You can add any number of titles - each of them will be placed in a new line. To remove titles, simply clear titles array: chart.titles = []; and call chart.validateNow() method.
checkIfSelected(mapObject)BooleanChecks if the object is currently selected. In case map object is linked with currently selected map object, this method will return true.
clear()Clears the chart area, intervals, etc.
clearLabels()Removes all labels added to the chart.
clearMap()Removes the map and all objects from container.
clickMapObject(mapObject)Simulates click on a map object - sets a new selectedObject and fires event.
closeAllDescriptionsCloses all open description windows.
coordinateToLatitude(coordinate)latitudeConverts provided map y coordinate to latitude.
getAreaCenterLatitude(mapArea)latitudeReturns latitude of the area center.
getAreaCenterLongitude(mapArea)longitudeReturns longitude of the area center.
getDevInfo()ObjectReturns object with information about the current mouse position:

{type:"writeDevInfo", chart:AmMap, zoomLevel:zoomLevel, zoomX:zoomX, zoomY:zoomY, zoomLatitude:zoomLatitude,
zoomLongitude:zoomLongitude, latitude:latitude, longitude:longitude, left:left, top:top, right:right,
bottom:bottom, percentLeft:percentLeft, percentTop:percentTop, percentRight:percentRight,
percentBottom:percentBottom, str:string}
getObjectById(id)id - id of an objectMapObjectReturns MapObject by a given id.
hideGroup(groupId)Hides objects with provided group id
invalidateSize()Use this method to force the chart to resize to it's current container size.
kilometersToPixels(kilometers)pixelsConverts kilometers to pixels. Note, if the map size changes, this will also change.
latitudeToCoordinate(latitude)y coordinateConverts provided latitude to y coordinate of the map.
longitudeToCoordinate(longitude)x coordinateConverts provided longitude to x coordinate of the map.
milesToPixels(miles)pixelsConverts miles to pixels. Note, if the map size changes, this will also change.
moveDown()Moves map down by panStepSize (property of ZoomControl)
moveLeft()Moves map left by panStepSize (property of ZoomControl).
moveRight()Moves map right by panStepSize (property of ZoomControl).
moveUp()Moves map up by panStepSize (property of ZoomControl).
removeLegend()Removes chart's legend.
removeListener(chart, type, handler)chart - chart object, type - event name, handler - methodRemoves event listener from chart object.
returnInitialColor(mapObject)mapObjectReturns initial color for map object.
rollOutMapObject(mapObject)Simulates a roll-out off a map object. Usefull when you want to highlight some area or movie from other control.
rollOverMapObject(mapObject)Simulates a roll-over of a map object. Usefull when you want to highlight some area or movie from other control.
selectObject(mapObject)mapObjectSelects map object - MapArea, MapImage, MapLine or MapData. If you want to return map to initial view, use map.selectObject() - with no MapObject set - this will select current dataProvider.
showGroup(groupId)Shows objects with provided group id.
validateData()This method should be called after data in your data provider changed or a new array was set to dataProvider. After calling this method the chart will parse data and redraw.
validateNow()This method should be called after you changed one or more properties of any class. The chart will redraw after this method is called.
write(container)container - id of a DIV or DIV object which will hold the chartAdds chart to the specified DIV.
zoomIn()Zooms in. Current zoomLevel is multiplied by zoomFactor (property of ZoomControl).
zoomLatitude()latitudeReturns current latitude of the point which is at the center of the map container.
zoomLevel()zoom levelReturns current zoom level.
zoomLongitude()longitudeReturns current longitude of the point which is at the center of the map container.
zoomOut()Zooms out. Current zoomLevel is divided by zoomFactor (property of ZoomControl).
zoomTo(zoomLevel, zoomX, zoomY, instantly)Zooms the map to provided zoom level and coordinates.
zoomToGroup(group)Zooms-in the map to so that all objects of a group would fit into AmMap container.Works only with grouped MapAreas, doesn't work with MapImages. The group property is an id of the group. Or you can pass array of areas (not necessary grouped).
zoomToLongLat(zoomLevel, longitude, latitude, instantly)Zooms in the map and places provided latitude and longitude in the center of a component container.
zoomToMapXY(zoomLevel, x, y, instantly)Zooms the map to provided coordinates.
zoomToSelectedObject(mapObject)Zooms to currently selected object.
zoomX()zoom xReturns current zoom x coordinate
zoomY()zoom yReturns current zoom y coordinate.

Events Hide inherited

NameEvent objectDescription
click{type:'click', chart:AmMap}Fired everytime user clicks on a map, except if the map was dragged or zoomed-in with zoomControl.
By using this event and getDevInfo method you can build your custom map editing user interface.
clickMapObject{type:"clickMapObject", mapObject:MapObject, chart:AmMap}Dispatched when user clicks on a map object.
dataUpdated{type:"dataUpdated", chart:AmChart}Dispatched when chart is build for the first time or after validateData() method was called.
homeButtonClicked{type:"homeButtonClicked", chart:AmMap}Dispatched when home icon of the ZoomControl is clicked
init{type:"init", chart:AmChart}Dispatched when chart is build for the first time.
rendered{type:"rendered", chart:AmChart}Dispatched when the chart is build for the first time.
rollOutMapObject{type:"rollOverMapObject", mapObject:MapObject, chart:AmMap}Dispatched when user rolls-out of a map object.
rollOverMapObject{type:"rollOverMapObject", mapObject:MapObject, chart:AmMap}Dispatched when user rolls-over a map object.
selectedObjectChanged{type:'selectedObjectChanged', chart:AmMap}Dispatched when selected object changes.
writeDevInfo{type:"writeDevInfo", chart:AmMap, zoomLevel:zoomLevel, zoomX:zoomX, zoomY:zoomY, zoomLatitude:zoomLatitude, zoomLongitude:zoomLongitude, latitude:latitude, longitude:longitude, left:left, top:top, right:right, bottom:bottom, percentLeft:percentLeft, percentTop:percentTop, percentRight:percentRight, percentBottom:percentBottom, str:string}Dispatched when map.developerMode is set to true and user holds shift and clicks left mouse button. Use this to get zoom level and coordinates of clicked place.
zoomCompleted{type:'zoomCompleted', chart:AmMap}Dispatched when zooming is completed.