Important version information!

You are browsing a class reference for deprecated Version 2 of the JavaScript Charts.

Documentation for other versions: amCharts 4 (current) or amCharts 3.


Small map displays a small map with rectangle indicating zoom level and position.


backgroundAlphaNumber1Background opacity.
backgroundColorString#9A9A9ABackground color.
borderAlphaNumber1Border opacity.
borderColorString#FFFFFFBorder color.
borderThicknessNumber3Border thickness.
bottomNumberDistance from bottom of map container to the small map. You should set property "top" to NaN in order this property to work.
leftNumberDistance from left side of map container to the small map. You should set property "right" to NaN in order this property to work.
mapColorString#E6E6E6Color of a map of a small map control.
minimizeButtonWidthNumber16Size of minimize button. You might need to change size of arrowUp.gif and arrowDown.gif if you change this property.
rectangleColorString#FFFFFFColor of rectangle, which indicates zoom level and position.
rectangleColorString#FFFFFFColor of rectangle which indicates zoom level and position.
Number10Distance from right side of map container to the small map. You should set property "left" to NaN in order this property to work.
sizeNumber0.2Size of small map relative to map container size.
topNumber10Distance from top of map container to the small map. You should set property "bottom" to NaN in order this property to work.


SmallMap class does not have any methods.


SmallMap class does not have any events.