Property | Type | Default | Description |
bulletsEnabled | Boolean | | Specifies if bullet for each graph will follow the cursor. |
bulletSize | Number | | Size of bullets, following the cursor. |
categoryBalloonAlpha | Number | | Opacity of the category balloon. |
categoryBalloonColor | String | | Color of the category balloon. |
categoryBalloonDateFormats | Array | [{period:"YYYY", format:"YYYY"}, {period:"MM", format:"MMM, YYYY"}, {period:"WW", format:"MMM DD, YYYY"}, {period:"DD", format:"MMM DD, YYYY"}, {period:"hh", format:"JJ:NN"}, {period:"mm", format:"JJ:NN"}, {period:"ss", format:"JJ:NN:SS"}, {period:"fff", format:"JJ:NN:SS"}] | Array of date format objects. Date format object must have "period" and "format" items. Available periods are: fff - millisecond, ss - second, mm - minute, hh - hour, DD - date, WW - week, MM - month, YYYY - year. |
categoryBalloonEnabled | Boolean | | Specifies whether category balloon is enabled. |
cursorAlpha | Number | | Opacity of the cursor line. |
cursorColor | String | | Color of the cursor line. |
cursorPosition | String | | Possible values: "start", "middle" and "mouse". |
enabled | Boolean | true | Set this to "false" if you don't want chart cursor to appear in your charts. |
pan | Boolean | | If this is set to true, the user will be able to pan the chart instead of zooming. |
valueBalloonsEnabled | Boolean | false | Specifies whether value balloons are enabled. In case they are not, the balloons might be displayed anyway, when the user rolls-over the column or bullet. |
zoomable | Boolean | | Specifies if the user can zoom-in the chart. If pan is set to true, zoomable is switched to false automatically. |