Inheritance: AmSlicedChartAmChart

Extension for AmChart and base class of AmPieChart and AmFunnelChart. It can not be instantiated explicitly.

Properties Hide inherited

accessibleBooleantrueWhen enabled, chart adds aria-label attributes to columns, bullets or map objects. You can control values of these labels using properties like accessibleLabel of AmGraph. Note, not all screen readers support these tags. We tested this mostly with NVDA Screen reader. WAI-ARIA is now official W3 standard, so in future more readers will handle this well. We will be improving accessibility on our charts, so we would be glad to hear your feedback.
accessibleDescriptionStringDescription which will be added to node of SVG element. Most of the screen readers will read this description.
accessibleLabelString[[title]]: [[percents]]% [[value]] [[description]]Text which screen readers will read if user rolls-over the slice or sets focus using tab key (this is possible only if tabIndex property of AmSlicedChart is set to some number). Text is added as aria-label tag. Note - not all screen readers and browsers support this.
accessibleTitleStringDescription which is added to of a SVG element. Some of the screen readers will read this description.
addClassNamesBooleanfalseSpecifies, if class names should be added to chart elements.
allLabelsArray[Label][]Array of Labels. Example of label object, with all possible properties:
{"x": 20, "y": 20, "text": "this is label", "align": "left", "size": 12, "color": "#CC0000", "alpha": 1, "rotation": 0, "bold": true, "url": ""}
alphaNumber1Opacity of all slices.
alphaFieldStringName of the field in chart's dataProvider which holds slice's alpha.
autoDisplayBooleanfalseIf you set it to true the chart will automatically monitor changes of display style of chart’s container (or any of it’s parents) and will render chart correctly if it is changed from none to block. We recommend setting it to true if you change this style at a run time, as it affects performance a bit.
autoResizeBooleantrueSet this to false if you don't want chart to resize itself whenever its parent container size changes.
autoTransformBooleanfalseIf you set it to true and your chart div (or any of the parent div) has css scale applied, the chart will position mouse at a correct position. Default value is false because this operation consumes some CPU and quite a few people are using css transfroms.
backgroundAlphaNumber0Opacity of background. Set it to >0 value if you want backgroundColor to work. However we recommend changing div's background-color style for changing background color.
backgroundColorColor#FFFFFFBackground color. You should set backgroundAlpha to >0 value in order background to be visible. We recommend setting background color directly on a chart's DIV instead of using this property.
balloonAmBalloonAmBalloonThe chart creates AmBalloon class itself. If you want to customize balloon, get balloon instance using this property, and then change balloon's properties.
baseColorColorColor of the first slice. All the other will be colored with darker or brighter colors.

Use brightnessStep to set intensity of color change for each subsequent slice.
borderAlphaNumber0Opacity of chart's border. Value range is 0 - 1.
borderColorColor#000000Color of chart's border. You should set borderAlpha >0 in order border to be visible. We recommend setting border color directly on a chart's DIV instead of using this property.
brightnessStepNumber20If you set baseColor to some color, the chart will not use colors array to color each slice but rather this setting to color the first slice with gradually increasing (or decreasing) brightness for each subsequent slice. This setting describes the intensity of each step.

Set to positive number to make the color brighter with each slice. Set to negative to make the colors darker for subsequent slices.
chartDataArray[Object]Read-only. Array of Slice objects.
classNameFieldStringIf this field is set and addClassNames is enabled, the slice element will have this class name set.
classNamePrefixStringamchartsThis prefix is added to all class names which are added to all visual elements of a chart in case addClassNames is set to true.
colorColor#000000Text color.
colorFieldStringName of the field in chart's dataProvider which holds slice's color.
colorsArray[Color]["#FF0F00", "#FF6600", "#FF9E01", "#FCD202", "#F8FF01", "#B0DE09", "#04D215", "#0D8ECF", "#0D52D1", "#2A0CD0", "#8A0CCF", "#CD0D74", "#754DEB", "#DDDDDD", "#999999", "#333333", "#000000", "#57032A", "#CA9726", "#990000", "#4B0C25"]Specifies the colors of the slices, if the slice color is not set. If there are more slices than colors in this array, the chart picks random color.
creditsPositionStringtop-leftNon-commercial version only. Specifies position of link to amCharts site. Allowed values are: top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right.
dataLoaderObjectA config object for Data Loader plugin. Please refer to the following page for more information.
dataProviderArray[Object]Array of data objects, for example: [{country:"US", value:524},{country:"UK", value:624},{country:"Lithuania", value:824}]. You can have any number of fields and use any field names. In case of AmMap, data provider should be MapData object.

The data set data.

Important: if you are using date/time-based category axis, the data points needs to come pre-ordered in ascending order. Data with incorrect order might result in visual and functional glitches on the chart.
decimalSeparatorString.Decimal separator.
defsObjectUsing this property you can add any additional information to SVG, like SVG filters or clip paths. The structure of this object should be identical to XML structure of a object you are adding, only in JSON format.
descriptionFieldStringName of the field in chart's dataProvider which holds a string with description.
exportObjectExport config. Specifies how export to image/data export/print/annotate menu will look and behave. You can find a lot of examples in amcharts/plugins/export folder. More details can be found here.
fontFamilyStringVerdanaFont family.
fontSizeNumber11Font size.
gradientRatioArray[Number][]Example: [-0.2, 0, -0.2]. Will make slices to be filled with color gradients. Negative value means the color will be darker than the original, and positive number means the color will be lighter.
groupedAlphaNumber1Opacity of the group slice. Value range is 0 - 1.
groupedColorColorColor of the group slice. The default value is not set - this means the next available color from "colors" array will be used.
groupedDescriptionStringDescription of the group slice.
groupedPulledBooleanfalseIf this is set to true, the group slice will be pulled out when the chart loads.
groupedTitleStringOtherTitle of the group slice.
groupPercentNumber0If there is more than one slice whose percentage of the pie is less than this number, those slices will be grouped together into one slice. This is the "other" slice. It will always be the last slice in a pie.
handDrawnBooleanfalseIf you set this to true, the lines of the chart will be distorted and will produce hand-drawn effect. Try to adjust chart.handDrawScatter and chart.handDrawThickness properties for a more scattered result.
handDrawScatterNumber2Defines by how many pixels hand-drawn line (when handDrawn is set to true) will fluctuate.
handDrawThicknessNumber1Defines by how many pixels line thickness will fluctuate (when handDrawn is set to true).
hideBalloonTimeNumber150Time, in milliseconds after which balloon is hidden if the user rolls-out of the object. Might be useful for AmMap to avoid balloon flickering while moving mouse over the areas. Note, this is not duration of fade-out. Duration of fade-out is set in AmBalloon class.
hideLabelsPercentNumber0Slices with percent less then hideLabelsPercent won't display labels This is useful to avoid cluttering up the chart, if you have a lot of small slices. 0 means all labels will be shown.
hoverAlphaNumber1Opacity of a hovered slice. Value range is 0 - 1.
labelColorFieldColor#000000A field in data which holds color value for the tick. Use it to set color of the label for each slice individually.
labelFunctionYou can use it to format data labels in any way you want. Chart will call this method and will pass Slice object and formatted text as attributes. This function should return string which will be displayed as label.
labelsEnabledBooleantrueSpecifies whether data labels are visible.
labelTickAlphaNumber0.2Label tick opacity. Value range is 0 - 1.
labelTickColorColor#000000Label tick color.
languageStringAllows changing language easily. Note, you should include language js file from amcharts/lang or ammap/lang folder and then use variable name used in this file, like chart.language = "de"; Note, for maps this works differently - you use language only for country names, as there are no other strings in the maps application.
legendAmLegendLegend of a chart.
legendDivStringRead-only. Reference to the div of the legend.
listenersArray[Object]You can add listeners of events using this property. Example: listeners = [{"event":"dataUpdated", "method":handleEvent}];
marginBottomNumber10Bottom margin of the chart.
marginLeftNumber0Left margin of the chart.
marginRightNumber0Right margin of the chart.
marginTopNumber10Top margin of the chart.
maxLabelWidthNumber200If width of the label is bigger than maxLabelWidth, it will be wrapped.
outlineAlphaNumber0Outline opacity. Value range is 0 - 1.
outlineColorColor#FFFFFFOutline color.
outlineThicknessNumber1Pie outline thickness.
panEventsEnabledBooleantrueThis setting affects touch-screen devices only. If a chart is on a page, and panEventsEnabled are set to true, the page won't move if the user touches the chart first. If a chart is big enough and occupies all the screen of your touch device, the user won’t be able to move the page at all. If you think that selecting/panning the chart or moving/pinching the map is a primary purpose of your users, you should set panEventsEnabled to true, otherwise - false.
pathStringamcharts/Specifies absolute or relative path to amCharts files, i.e. "amcharts/". (where all .js files are located)

If relative URLs are used, they will be relative to the current web page, displaying the chart.

You can also set path globally, using global JavaScript variable AmCharts_path. If this variable is set, and "path" is not set in chart config, the chart will assume the path from the global variable. This allows setting amCharts path globally. I.e.:

var AmCharts_path = "/libs/amcharts/";

"path" parameter will be used by the charts to locate it's files, like images, plugins or patterns.
pathToImagesStringSpecifies path to the folder where images like resize grips, lens and similar are.

IMPORTANT: Since V3.14.12, you should use "path" to point to amCharts directory instead. The "pathToImages" will be automatically set and does not need to be in the chart config, unless you keep your images separately from other amCharts files.
patternFieldStringField name in your data provider which holds pattern information. Value of pattern should be object with url, width, height of an image, optionally it might have x, y, randomX and randomY values. For example: {"url":"../amcharts/patterns/black/pattern1.png", "width":4, "height":4}. Check amcharts/patterns folder for some patterns. You can create your own patterns and use them. Note, x, y, randomX and randomY properties won't work with IE8 and older. 3D bar/Pie charts won't work properly with patterns.
percentPrecisionNumber2Precision of percent values. -1 means percent values won't be rounded at all and show as they are.
precisionNumber-1Precision of values. -1 means values won't be rounded at all and show as they are.
prefixesOfBigNumbersArray[Object][{"number":1e+3,"prefix":"k"},{"number":1e+6,"prefix":"M"},{"number":1e+9,"prefix":"G"},{"number":1e+12,"prefix":"T"},{"number":1e+15,"prefix":"P"},{"number":1e+18,"prefix":"E"},{"number":1e+21,"prefix":"Z"},{"number":1e+24,"prefix":"Y"}]Prefixes which are used to make big numbers shorter: 2M instead of 2000000, etc. Prefixes are used on value axes and in the legend. To enable prefixes, set usePrefixes property to true.
prefixesOfSmallNumbersArray[Object][{"number":1e-24, "prefix":"y"},{"number":1e-21, "prefix":"z"},{"number":1e-18, "prefix":"a"},{"number":1e-15, "prefix":"f"},{"number":1e-12, "prefix":"p"},{"number":1e-9, "prefix":"n"},{"number":1e-6, "prefix":"μ"},{"number":1e-3, "prefix":"m"}]Prefixes which are used to make small numbers shorter: 2μ instead of 0.000002, etc. Prefixes are used on value axes and in the legend. To enable prefixes, set usePrefixes property to true.
processCountNumber1000If processTimeout is > 0, 1000 data items will be parsed at a time, then the chart will make pause and continue parsing data until it finishes.
processTimeoutNumber0If you set it to 1 millisecond or some bigger value, chart will be built in chunks instead of all at once. This is useful if you work with a lot of data and the initial build of the chart takes a lot of time, which freezes the whole web application by not allowing other processes to do their job while the chart is busy.
pulledFieldStringName of the field in chart's dataProvider which holds a boolean value telling the chart whether this slice must be pulled or not.
pullOutDurationNumber1Pull out duration, in seconds.
pullOutEffectStringbouncePull out effect. Possible values are: easeOutSine, easeInSine, elastic, bounce
pullOutOnlyOneBooleanfalseIf this is set to true, only one slice can be pulled out at a time. If the viewer clicks on a slice, any other pulled-out slice will be pulled in.
responsiveObjectA config object for Responsive plugin. Please refer to the following page for more information.
sequencedAnimationBooleantrueSpecifies whether the animation should be sequenced or all slices should appear at once.
showZeroSlicesBooleanfalseIf you set this to true, the chart will display outlines (if visible) and labels for slices even if their value is 0.
startAlphaNumber0Initial opacity of all slices. Slices will fade in from startAlpha.
startDurationNumber1Duration of the animation, in seconds.
startEffectStringbounceAnimation effect. Possible values are: easeOutSine, easeInSine, elastic, bounce
svgIconsBooleantrueCharts will use SVG icons (some are loaded from images folder and some are drawn inline) if browser supports SVG. his makes icons look good on retina displays on all resolutions.
tabIndexNumberIn case you set it to some number, the chart will set focus on a slice (starting from first) when user clicks tab key. When a focus is set, screen readers like NVDA Screen reader will read label which is set using accessibleLabel property of AmSlicedChart. Note, not all browsers and readers support this.
tapToActivateBooleantrueCharts which require gestures like swipe (charts with scrollbar/cursor) or pinch (maps) used to prevent regular page scrolling and could result page to stick to the same spot if the chart occupied whole screen. Now, in order these gestures to start working user has to touch the chart/maps once. Regular touch events like touching on the bar/slice/map area do not require the first tap and will show balloons and perform other tasks as usual. If you have a map or chart which occupies full screen and your page does not require scrolling, set tapToActivate to false – this will bring old behavior back.
themeStringnoneTheme of a chart. Config files of themes can be found in amcharts/themes/ folder. More info about using themes.
thousandsSeparatorString,Thousands separator.
titleFieldStringName of the field in chart's dataProvider which holds slice's title.
titlesArray[Title][]Array of Title objects.
touchClickDurationNumber0If you set it to 200 (milliseconds) or so, the chart will fire clickGraphItem or clickSlice (AmSlicedChart) or clickMapObject only if user holds his/her finger for 0.2 seconds (200 ms) on the column/bullet/slice/map object.
touchClickDurationNumber0If you set it to 200 (milliseconds) or so, the chart will fire clickGraphItem or clickSlice (AmSlicedChart) or clickMapObject only if user holds his/her finger for 0.2 seconds (200 ms) on the column/bullet/slice/map object.
typeStringType of a chart. Required when creating chart using JSON. Possible types are: serial, pie, xy, radar, funnel, gauge, map, gantt, stock.
urlFieldStringName of the field in chart's dataProvider which holds url which would be accessed if the user clicks on a slice.
urlTargetString_selfIf url is specified for a slice, it will be opened when user clicks on it. urlTarget specifies target of this url. Use _blank if you want url to be opened in a new window.
usePrefixesBooleanfalseIf true, prefixes will be used for big and small numbers. You can set arrays of prefixes via prefixesOfSmallNumbers and prefixesOfBigNumbers properties.
valueFieldStringName of the field in chart's dataProvider which holds slice's value.
versionStringRead-only. Indicates current version of a script.
visibleInLegendFieldStringUse this field to selectively specify which slice is shown in legend. It should be set to a boolean field in data (that holds either true or false). For example if you set visibleInLegendField to "showInLegend", all slices that have showInLegend: false in their data will not be shown in the legend.

Methods Hide inherited

addLabel(x, y, text, align, size, color, rotation, alpha, bold, url)x - horizontal coordinate y - vertical coordinate text - label's text align - alignment (left/right/center) size - text size color - text color rotation - angle of rotation alpha - label alpha bold - specifies if text is bold (true/false), url - url of a Adds a label on a chart. You can use it for labeling axes, adding chart title, etc. x and y coordinates can be set in number, percent, or a number with ! in front of it - coordinate will be calculated from right or bottom instead of left or top.
addLegend(legend, legendDivID)legend - AmLegend, legendDivID - id or reference to legend div (optional)Adds a legend to the chart. By default, you don't need to create div for your legend, however if you want it to be positioned in some different way, you can create div anywhere you want and pass id or reference to your div as a second parameter. (NOTE: This method will not work on StockPanel.)
addListener(type, handler)type - string like 'dataUpdated' (should be listed in 'events' section of this class or classes which extend this class). handler - function which is called when event happensAdds event listener to the object.
addTitle(text, size, color, alpha, bold)text - text of a title size - font size color - title color alpha - title opacity bold - boolean value indicating if title should be bold.Adds title to the top of the chart. Pie, Radar positions are updated so that they won't overlap. Plot area of Serial/XY chart is also updated unless autoMargins property is set to false. You can add any number of titles - each of them will be placed in a new line. To remove titles, simply clear titles array: chart.titles = []; and call chart.validateNow() method.
animateAgain()You can trigger the animation of the chart.
clear()Clears the chart area, intervals, etc.
clearLabels()Removes all labels added to the chart.
clickSlice(index)index - the number of a slice or Slice object.You can trigger the click on a slice from outside.
hideSlice(index)index - the number of a slice or Slice object.Hides slice.
invalidateSize()Use this method to force the chart to resize to it's current container size.
makeChart(container, config, delay)container - id of a DIV or reference of the container element - config contains the whole setup for the chart - delay in milliseconds to delay the initiation of the chartchart instanceThis method allows to create charts with a single config.
removeLegend()Removes chart's legend.
removeListener(chart, type, handler)chart - chart object, type - event name, handler - methodRemoves event listener from chart object.
rollOutSlice(index)index - the number of a slice or Slice object.You can simulate roll-out of a slice from outside.
rollOverSlice(index)index - the number of a slice or Slice object.You can simulate roll-over a slice from outside.
showSlice(index)index - the number of a slice or Slice object.Shows slice.
validateData()This method should be called after data in your data provider changed or a new array was set to dataProvider. After calling this method the chart will parse data and redraw.
validateNow(validateData, skipEvents)This method should be called after you changed one or more properties of any class. The chart will redraw after this method is called.Both attributes, validateData and skipEvents are optional (false by default).
write(container)container - id of a DIV or DIV object which will hold the chartAdds chart to the specified DIV.

Events Hide inherited

NameEvent objectDescription
animationFinished{type:"animationFinished", chart:AmChart}Dispatched when initial chart animations are finished.
buildStarted{type:"buildStarted", chart:AmChart} Fired just before the chart starts to build itself for the first time. Note: you might need to set processTimeout to > 0 value in order to register this event properly.
clickSlice{type:"clickSlice", dataItem:Slice, event:MouseEvent, chart:AmSlicedChart}Dispatched when user clicks on a slice.
dataUpdated{type:"dataUpdated", chart:AmChart}Dispatched when chart is build for the first time or after validateData() method was called.
drawn{type:"drawn", chart:AmChart}Fired every time chart is drawn or re-drawn - graph toggle, chart area resize, etc.

Please note, that this event will not fire on zoom. Use "zoomed" event instead to catch those events.
init{type:"init", chart:AmChart}Dispatched when chart is build for the first time.
pullInSlice{type:"clickSlice", dataItem:Slice, event:MouseEvent, chart:AmSlicedChart}Dispatched when user clicks on a slice and the slice is pulled-in.
pullOutSlice{type:"pullOutSlice", dataItem:Slice, event:MouseEvent, chart:AmSlicedChart}Dispatched when user clicks on a slice and the slice is pulled-out.
rendered{type:"rendered", chart:AmChart}Dispatched when the chart is build for the first time and each time after chart.validateNow() method is called and the chart is build.
rightClickSlice{type:"rightClickSlice", dataItem:Slice, event:MouseEvent, chart:AmSlicedChart}Dispatched when user right-clicks the slice.
rollOutSlice{type:"rollOutSlice", dataItem:Slice, event:MouseEvent, chart:AmSlicedChart}Dispatched when user rolls-out of the slice.
rollOverSlice{type:"rollOverSlice", dataItem:Slice, event:MouseEvent, chart:AmSlicedChart}Dispatched when user rolls-over the slice.