ImagesSettings is a class which defines the default settings for all MapImage objects.


var map = AmCharts.makeChart("mapdiv",{
  "imagesSettings": {
    "alpha": 0.5


accessibleLabelString[[title]] [[description]]Text which screen readers will read if user rolls-over the image or sets focus using tab key (this is possible only if tabIndex property of ImagesSettings or individual image is set to some number). Text is added as aria-label tag. Note - not all screen readers and browsers support this.
adjustAnimationSpeedBooleanfalseIf you set it to true, images along the lines will adjust the speed of animation corresponding the distance between lines.
alphaNumber1Opacity of the image.
animationDurationNumber3Defines duration of animation, in seconds. Custom animationDuration can also be set directly on MapImage.
balloonTextString[[title]]Text which is displayed in a roll-over balloon. You can use the following tags: [[title]], [[description]], [[value]] and [[percent]].

To disable the balloons, set it to an empty string.
baseAnimationDistanceNumber500If adjustAnimationSpeed is set to true, the the image will move at a speed which would allow to move by 500 pixels during animationDuration. If the distance between start/end points of animation is less than baseAnimationDistance, the image will move faster, otherwise – slower.
bringForwardOnHoverBooleantrueSpecifies if image should change it's z-index to the most top when user hovers it.
centeredBooleantrueSpecifies if the image's center should be placed in the provided coordinates. If false, top-left corner will be at provided coordinates.
colorColor#000000Color of image. This will affect only predefined images (with "type" property set) and images with svgPath set. This property won't affect bitmap images and loaded SVG images.
descriptionWindowBottomNumberDistance from the bottom side of map container to the description window. In case it is not set (also if descriptionWindowTop is not set), window will be placed near the mouse pointer.
descriptionWindowHeightNumberHeight of a description window.
descriptionWindowLeftNumberDistance from the left side of map container to the description window. In case it is not set (also if descriptionWindowRight is not set), window will be placed near the mouse pointer.
descriptionWindowRightNumberDistance from the right side of map container to the description window. In case it is not set (also if descriptionWindowLeft is not set), window will be placed near the mouse pointer.
descriptionWindowTopDistance from the top side of map container to the description window. In case it is not set (also if descriptionWindowBottom is not set), window will be placed near the mouse pointer.
descriptionWindowWidthNumber250Width of a description window.
easingFunctionAmCharts.easeInOutQuadThis particular function makes the animation to be slower in the beginning and end of animation and faster in the middle. Alternatively you can use these methods: AmCharts.bounce, AmCharts.easeInSine, AmCharts.easeOutSine, AmCharts.easeOutElastic. You can also set easing function on MapImage.
labelColorColor#000000Label color.
labelFontSizeNumber11Font size of a label.
labelPositionStringrightPosition of the label. Allowed values are: left, right, top, bottom and middle.
labelRollOverColorColor#00CC00Label roll-over color.
outlineAlphaNumber0Opacity of image outline. This will affect only predefined images (with "type" property set) and images with svgPath set. This property won't affect bitmap images and loaded SVG images.
outlineColorColorColor of image outline. This will affect only predefined images (with "type" property set) and images with svgPath set. This property won't affect bitmap images and loaded SVG images.
outlineThicknessNumber1Thickness of image outline. This will affect only predefined images (with "type" property set) and images with svgPath set. This property won't affect bitmap images and loaded SVG images.
pauseDurationNumber0Defines pause between animations (if a line has more than one segment or animation is looped or flipped).
rollOverColorColorColor of image when hovered. This will affect only predefined images (with "type" property set) and images with svgPath set. This property won't affect bitmap images and loaded SVG images.
rollOverOutlineThicknessNumberThickness of rolled-over image outline.
rollOverScaleNumber1Scale of the image when hovered. Use value like 1.5 - 2 to enlarge image when user rolls-over it.
selectableBooleanfalseSpecifies if all images on the map can be selected. You can also override this setting for each individual image individually.
selectedLabelColorColorLabel color in case the image is selected.
selectedOutlineColorColorColor of selected image outline.
selectedOutlineThicknessNumberOutline thickness of selected image.
selectedScaleNumber1Scale of the image if it is selected. Use value like 1.5 - 2 to enlarge selected image.
tabIndexNumberIn case you set it to some number, the map will set focus on images (one by one) when user clicks tab key. When a focus is set, screen readers like NVDA Screen reader will read label which is set using accessibleLabel property of ImagesSettings or individual image. If area is clickable, pressing Enter/Return while focus is set will select the image. Note, not all browsers and readers support this.


descriptionWindowXX position of a description window.


ImagesSettings class does not have any events.