Common settings of legends. If you change a property after the chart is initialized, you should call stockChart.validateNow() method in order for it to work. If there is no default value specified, default value of StockLegend class will be used.


alignStringAlignment of legend entries. Possible values are: "left", "right" and "center".
equalWidthsBooleanfalseSpecifies if each legend entry should take the same space as the longest legend entry.
horizontalGapNumberHorizontal space between legend item and left/right border.
labelTextStringThe text which will be displayed in the legend. Tag [[title]] will be replaced with the title of the graph.
marginBottomNumber0Space below the last row of the legend, in pixels.
marginTopNumber0Space above the first row of the legend, in pixels.
markerBorderAlphaNumberOpacity of marker border.
markerBorderColorColorMarker border color.
markerBorderThicknessNumberThickness of the legend border.
markerDisabledColorColorThe color of the disabled marker (when the graph is hidden).
markerLabelGapNumberSpace between legend marker and legend text, in pixels.
markerSizeNumberSize of the legend marker (key).
markerTypeStringShape of the legend marker (key). Possible values are: square, circle, diamond, triangleUp, triangleDown, triangleLeft, triangleDown, bubble, none
positionStringPosition of legend in panels. Possible values are: "bottom" and "top".
reversedOrderBooleanSpecifies whether legend entries should be placed in reversed order.
rollOverColorColorLegend item text color on roll-over.
rollOverGraphAlphaNumberWhen you roll-over the legend entry, all other graphs can reduce their opacity, so that the graph you rolled-over would be distinguished. This property specifies the opacity of the graphs.
switchableBooleanWhether showing/hiding of graphs by clicking on the legend marker is enabled or not.
switchColorColorLegend switch color.
switchTypeStringLegend switch type (in case the legend is switchable). Possible values are: "x" and "v".
textClickEnabledBooleanfalseSpecifies whether the legend text is clickable or not. Clicking on legend text can show/hide value balloons if they are enabled.
useMarkerColorForLabelsBooleanSpecifies if legend labels should be use same color as corresponding markers.
valueTextComparingStringThe text which will be displayed in the value portion of the legend when graph is comparable and at least one dataSet is selected for comparing. You can use tags like [[value]], [[open]], [[high]], [[low]], [[close]], [[percents]], [[description]].
valueTextRegularStringThe text which will be displayed in the value portion of the legend. You can use tags like [[value]], [[open]], [[high]], [[low]], [[close]], [[percents]], [[description]].
valueWidthNumberWidth of the value text. Increase this value if your values do not fit in the allocated space.
verticalGapNumberVertical space between legend items, in pixels.


LegendSettings class does not have any methods.


LegendSettings class does not have any events.