ValueAxesSettings settings set's settings for all ValueAxes. If you change a property after the chart is initialized, you should call stockChart.validateNow() method in order for it to work. If there is no default value specified, default value of ValueAxis class will be used.


autoGridCountBooleantrueSpecifies whether number for gridCount is specified automatically, according to the axis size.
axisAlphaNumber0Axis opacity.
axisColorColorAxis color.
axisThicknessNumberThickness of the axis.
colorColorLabel color.
dashLengthNumberLength of a dash. By default, the grid line is not dashed.
fillAlphaNumberFill opacity. Every second space between grid lines can be filled with color.
fillColorColorFill color. Every second space between grid lines can be filled with color. Set fillAlpha to a value greater than 0 to see the fills.
gridAlphaNumberOpacity of grid lines.
gridColorColorColor of grid lines.
gridCountNumberApproximate number of grid lines. autoGridCount should be set to false, otherwise this property will be ignored.
gridThicknessNumberThickness of grid lines.
includeGuidesInMinMaxBooleanSpecifies whether guide values should be included when calculating min and max of the axis.
includeHiddenBooleanIf true, the axis will include hidden graphs when calculating min and max values.
insideBooleantrueSpecifies whether values should be placed inside or outside plot area. In case you set this to false, you'll have to adjust marginLeft or marginRight in [[PanelsSettings]] in order labels to be visible.

Note, if you set this property to false, you might also consider setting showLastLabel to true.
integersOnlyBooleanSpecifies whether values on axis can only be integers or both integers and doubles.
labelFrequencyNumberFrequency at which labels should be placed.
labelOffsetNumber0You can use it to adjust position of axis labels.
labelsEnabledBooleanSpecifies whether value labels are displayed.
logarithmicBooleanSet to true if value axis is logarithmic, false otherwise.
maximumNumberIf you don't want max value to be calculated by the chart, set it using this property. This value might still be adjusted so that it would be possible to draw grid at rounded intervals.
minimumNumberIf you don't want min value to be calculated by the chart, set it using this property. This value might still be adjusted so that it would be possible to draw grid at rounded intervals.
minMaxMultiplierNumberIf set value axis scale (min and max numbers) will be multiplied by it. I.e. if set to 1.2 the scope of values will increase by 20%.
minorGridAlphaNumberOpacity of minor grid. In order minor to be visible, you should set minorGridEnabled to true.
minorGridEnabledBooleanSpecifies if minor grid should be displayed.

NOTE: If equalSpacing is set to true, this setting will be ignored.
minVerticalGapNumberThis property is used when calculating grid count (when autoGridCount is true). It specifies minimum cell height required for one span between grid lines.
offsetNumberThe distance of the axis to the plot area, in pixels. Useful if you have more then one axis on the same side.
positionStringPosition of the value axis. Possible values are "left" and "right".
precisionNumberPrecision (number of decimals) of values.
reversedBooleanSet to true if value axis is reversed (smaller values on top), false otherwise.
showFirstLabelBooleantrueSpecifies if first label of value axis should be displayed.
showLastLabelBooleanfalseSpecifies if last label of value axis should be displayed.
stackTypeStringStacking mode of the axis. Possible values are: "none", "regular", "100%", "3d".
strictMinMaxBooleanIf you set minimum and maximum for your axis, chart adjusts them so that grid would start and end on the beginning and end of plot area and grid would be at equal intervals. If you set strictMinMax to true, the chart will not adjust minimum and maximum of value axis.
tickLengthNumber0Tick length.
unitStringUnit which will be added to the value label.
unitPositionStringPosition of the unit. Possible values are "left" or "right".


ValueAxesSettings class does not have any methods.


ValueAxesSettings class does not have any events.